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Experienced Drug Charge Lawyers
Judnich Law, Montana

Facing drug charges? Our experienced drug charge lawyers will defend your rights and fight for your freedom across Montana. 

Experienced, Effective Drug Charge Lawyers, Montana

We can help keep you out of jail.

The drug charge lawyers at the Judnich Law Firm have helped a lot of people across the State successfully fight criminal charges related to possession of controlled and dangerous substances.

In Montana, drug crimes can be difficult to defend in Court because of how the law is worded regarding possession. To beat these charges, you will want an experienced criminal lawyer at your side, fighting for your freedom every step of the way.

If you’re looking at these charges yourself or know someone who is, give us a call right away. We can help.

Criminal Defense

Possession of controlled substances without a prescription is a crime in Montana. As with all crimes, allegations of drug charges means you need to construct a criminal defense. Your smartest move is to hire an experienced and aggressive attorney to defend you through this criminal defense process.

Your attorney will ensure your rights are protected according to the US Constitution and Montana State Laws. Your attorney knows what your legal rights are, can easily see when any of those rights have been violated by the State, and won’t let the State get away with it.

We’re here to ensure you get a fair shake from beginning to end.

Illegal drug possession carries a penalty of up to five years prison time in Montana. The State loves to nail people on drug charges, making these charges not easy to get out of. Even a personal use defense for marijuana possession can be difficult to prove.

If things go poorly for you throughout your drug defense process, you could spend the next few years of your life as an involuntary guest of a State correctional facility. Unless you want to go down hard for this drug crime you’re entangled in, working with a good drug lawyer is a very good idea.

Judnich Law Drug Charge Lawyers

The legal process for possession of a controlled substance and/or possession with intent to distribute and even for drug trafficking is about the same as any other crime. You are arrested, jailed, arraigned, you enter a plea, the judge sets a bail amount, and the drug lawyers get to work. The prosecuting attorney works to throw the book at you and lock you up for as long as possible, and your defense attorney works to get you off scot-free. This game is as old as the Berkeley Pit.

There are a series of court appearances in which the judge makes decisions based solely on the information presented to the Court. It’s not the judge’s job in that moment to determine whether the information presented is true or accurate. It often happens that the State presents information that is either untrue or in violation of your Constitutional or State rights.

But without anyone defending you against those kinds of violations, the State will get away with it and you will go down harder than you probably should. You need someone advocating on your behalf in Court, ensuring the State stays in its own lane and fully plays by the rules. That is the work of the defense attorney. And that is why you need one.

If you’ve hired a defense attorney, your defense lawyer will always do the speaking for you in Court as part of your legal defense. Your attorney will ensure your rights are protected and you are getting a fair shake before the judge. Your attorney will fight for you, and will not let the State get away with mounting an unfair prosecution against you.

Felony drug crimes will stay on your permanent criminal record while misdemeanors and marijuana crimes may be expunged at a later date. However, we often obtain great results getting charges dropped.

Judnich Law Drug Charge Lawyers

At Judnich Law Firm, we represent individuals across the state of Montana accused of drug crimes. Whether your charges are for misdemeanor or felony possession, intent to distribute, or even drug trafficking, we can help. Our attorneys are highly experienced at defending accused individuals against drug crimes.

The criminal defense attorneys at Judnich Law are dedicated to providing you with the absolute strongest and sharpest defense possible for your drug charge(s). We examine every detail the State is leveraging against you, and tear all of their weaknesses apart at the seams. Bit by bit, we dismantle the State’s case against you.

One characteristic that makes us so powerful in the courtroom is that we love litigation. Give us a good case to chew up and tear apart, and we are in our happy place. We thrive on the excitement of trials. We arrive at Court with sharp suits, sharp minds, and razor-sharp tongues. We pounce whenever we can, and shred their evidence against you as thoroughly as we can. Our goal is to annihilate the State’s case against you. We poke holes in their case everywhere possible. Ideally, we can get your case dismissed. Nearly always, we succeed at getting your charges and sentencing reduced.

Only hire us if you value your freedom and don’t want to be locked up.

Why Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer

There are a few tactics that experienced criminal drug charge attorneys use to defend their clients. First, we look at the paperwork closely. Often, we can capitalize on legal technicalities in chain of custody and government searches: When law enforcement officers violate the constitutional privacy protections of people, our argumentation can result in the exclusion of key evidence. If an accused can cause key evidence to be excluded this way, the government no longer has a case and the prosecutor’s case against you must be dismissed. A criminal defense lawyer experienced as a drug possession attorney can mount strong argumentation in your defense.

We at Judnich Law have a whole team of attorneys ready to help you in your drug charge legal defense. A common issue in drug charges is the person accused of drug possession stating that the drugs found were not theirs.

This becomes an issue of the “possession” of the controlled substance and how the government found and obtained that type of drug on the accused. We review the arrest to ensure constitutionally proper search and seizure protocols were adhered to. An experienced drug crime attorney can navigate these waters and often achieve great results for our clients.

In addition, Montana typically provides deferral programs for first time offenses so the drug crime does not stay on a person’s permanent record. A good criminal defense attorney may be able to argue your case down to this sort of resolution.

A good drug defense attorney can get you the best outcome possible when you’re accused of a drug crime.

A criminal defense attorney can help you avoid penalties

A law firm with experienced drug defense attorneys can help get the charges against you reduced or dismissed. Lesser crimes carry lesser penalties. The more we can have the charges reduced, the lower your resulting penalties will be and the more freedom you can continue to enjoy. There are also a list of diversion programs where there is no conviction, but often you need an experienced drug defense attorney to even know about these options.

A criminal defense attorney can help you avoid a criminal record

When we are successful at getting the drug charges against you dismissed, the charges vanish. You completely avoid having this matter become a part of your permanent criminal record.

Common Drug Charges

The State of Montana prohibits anyone from possessing or carrying controlled substances without a valid prescription. The more of this type of drug you’re found with, the greater the drug crime, and the more you will benefit from the services of a professional legal defense. We occasionally see underage possession or unlawful attempt to purchase.

Intent to distribute and illegal drug distribution are common drug crimes an attorney can help you with. We can also help with drug trafficking, of which we actually see a fair amount because of marijuana crossing into the country from Canada.

Should I represent myself against a drugs charge?

Representing yourself in any kind of case is rarely a good idea. Even though US Constitutional law clearly states “innocent until proven guilty”, in practice, the legal system is leveraged against those who are accused of crimes. Working with an experienced criminal defense attorney is usually the only way you can ensure you obtain the very best result possible.

When you need to face the criminal justice system, you will want the savviness of an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. The stakes are too high to go in there alone, and the State will pounce on unrepresented individuals in criminal court. The experience will not be fun for you and it will not likely end well for you. This is why our Constitution gives accused individuals the right to an attorney, provided by the State, to help with their defense. If you try it alone, you will more than likely get railroaded by the State. This is simply how our system works in practice. So no, you probably should not attempt to represent yourself against a drug-related charge.

Your best bet for a fair outcome is to work with the help of an experienced drug defense attorney.

Judnich Law: Professionals Who Care

Exceptional client care is just as important to us at Judnich Law as fierce legal representation. We take care of you in all ways—both in-house, with our attorney-client relations, and in Court as we aggressively fight to defend your rights and your freedoms.

Exceptional Client Care

At Judnich Law, each of our clients has full 24/7 access to their client file through their own online client portal. You can review documents, correspondence, court dates—whatever you want to know about your case, at your complete convenience. You can also upload new materials for us and send us a direct message through this portal.

After hours, our live answering service will take a message and immediately send your attorney a text message.

Exceptional Legal Acumen

We know the laws surrounding drug crimes very well. We know most of the prosecutors and the judges. We’ve been doing this for a long time, and we’ve helped a lot of people enjoy reduced or dismissed drug-related charges.

Let us help you too.

Let us help you too.

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  • Judnich Law Office
  • 501 S Russell St
  • Missoula, MT 59801
  • Mon-Fri
  • 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • Judnich Law Office
  • 1940 W. Dickerson Ave,
  • Suite 102
  • Bozeman, MT 59718
  • Mon-Fri
  • 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • Judnich Law Office
  • 1940 W. Dickerson Ave,
  • Suite 102
  • Bozeman, MT 59718
  • Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
  • Judnich Law Office
  • 501 S Russell St
  • Missoula, MT 59801
  • Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
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