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Experienced Family Law Attorney
Judnich Law, Montana

Hire a Judnich Law experienced and fierce family law attorney to fight for your rights and best interests in matters of divorce and children's care.

Hire a Trustworthy, Experienced Family Law Attorney from Judnich Law

Every family law attorney in both of our offices, Missoula and Bozeman, Montana, is highly experienced and passionate about ensuring fair and equitable resolutions for families and their futures. When you need some help with matters that affect your family, contact us. All of our family law attorneys protect our clients’ interests fiercely and work toward equitable outcomes for all involved.

What is Family Law?

Family law is a general area of law involving marriage, parentage, and children. More specifically, family law covers pre- and postnuptial agreements, dissolution of marriage (“divorce”), spousal maintenance (“alimony”), child custody and visitation, child support, paternity matters, and invalidation of marriage (“annulment”). Most attorneys for family law can help you with any of these matters.

It’s important to note that generally, family law does not encompass concerns related to adoption, child protective services, or domestic violence defense. Typically, each of those matters requires an attorney specializing in each respective area.

Family Law Services

In practice, attorneys may specialize in any of these areas or handle them all equally.

If you’re wondering whether family law lawyers handle divorce cases, yes. Family law lawyers handle divorces. Some family law attorneys like to specialize in certain types of divorces. For example, some attorneys focus their practices on matters of paternity and paternal custody, while some others only work with high-level, complicated asset distribution divorces, and some refuse to get involved with divorces with children. 

We handle all areas of Montana family law. If you have any sort of family law case in Montana, whether you need attorney help with your divorce case or just a custody case involving a parenting plan, you’ll want solid legal representation at your side.

Judnich Law, Family Law Attorneys

At Judnich Law, our family law attorneys handle all areas of family law equally. In our law practice, we provide full legal service for any legal issue regarding divorce, custody, or child welfare. Even if you have a complex case with which you need attorney help, the attorneys in our law practice stand ready to assist.

Each of our attorneys will happily help you with all types of divorces: with or without children, with or without dual incomes, with any level of individual or community assets, and at any level of agreement or contention among the divorcing parties.

If you and your spouse are agreeing to the split and just want help with the paperwork, we’ll make sure it’s done right so nothing comes back to bite you down the road. On the other end of such simplicity, if you and your spouse have complicated children situations with some each of his, hers, and ours; if your income situation is complicated by support from one of the parties’ families, such as working in the family business; or if you own a business together or separately; or if you’re both supported by passive resources of one spouse—whatever your situation is and however complicated it is, we will work diligently and fight hard for a just resolution for all involved. 

We do what it takes to protect our clients’ interests and ensure you are not left out in the cold.

If you need help with any of these areas of family law, please contact us for an appointment to go over the facts of your situation. Whatever you’ve got going on, we can help.

Child Custody, Child Visitation, & Child Support

When the divorcing parties have minor children or of-age children with ongoing care needs, issues of child custody, child visitation, and child support come to the fore immediately. Who will care for the children? Who will pay for their care? What is a fair and equitable distribution of time and money for the kids?

Child Custody and Visitation

The parties have to determine where the children will live. The Court’s job is to ensure the children are well cared for.

Today, we are seeing joint custody arrangements more and more. We are also seeing more fathers as primary custodial parents than at any time in history. The Court doesn’t really care which parent the kids live with, as long as it is in the best interest of the child and the children are safe, loved, well-cared for, and healthy in that parent’s environment.

It is often the case that one parent knows the children are not safe in the care of the other parent, for whatever reasons. Oftentimes, it’s the other people in that parent’s environment who pose a real risk of harm to the children, such as dangerous family members and friends. In these cases, you especially need an experienced and fierce attorney litigating on your behalf to get and keep your children safe.

The Court can only make decisions based on the information the Court receives. Both parties are saying opposite things.

This is why you need an experienced and fierce litigator on your side for your custody case. The attorneys in our law office have seen these kinds of scenarios many times, and we know how to talk to the Court about them. We also don’t let up until your family law case is properly resolved.

Child Custody and Child Support

In the State of Montana, child support is tied to child custody and visitation. The more time a parent has with the children, the less that parent pays in child support.

As you may imagine, this arrangement, while certainly fair to the primary custodial parent so that parent can cover the children’s needs comfortably, also sometimes tends to bring out some nefarious motives in those who don’t want to hand over the sum of money determined by the State calculator. This often results in these people seeking additional child custody—even full custody—simply to get out of paying the State-mandated child support sum. Naturally, the biggest losers in this arrangement are the children. No one likes to see this. But it does happen. This is why you need an experienced and fierce family law attorney fighting for you to protect your interests and those of your children in your custody case.

Why Hire a Judnich Law Family Law Attorney

Lawyers in Montana are nearly as plentiful as the fish here in God’s country. So in both scenarios, you can be choosy, and you can appreciate the good ones.

Next-Level Client Care

As professional advocates, you hire us to help you with your legal matters. We are here to serve you. We take this responsibility very seriously, and we do everything we can to serve you as best as we possibly can.

24/7 File Access

We know that everyone’s biggest complaint about their attorney is communication. You can never get hold of your attorney and when you do, it costs you a small bundle for even a quick question.

Proudly, we have solved this problem. In our offices, every client has their own client portal with 24/7 access to all pertinent materials in their family law case. In your client portal, you can check your next court date, see what’s been filed and what hasn’t, check on your parenting plan and child support orders, view all correspondence sent and received, upload new materials, and even send us a direct message. This portal eliminates most of our client phone calls—and most of the client frustration with their attorney. It also frees our time to work on building strong cases for our clients.

24/7 Response

If you need to reach us after hours, just call our number. Our live answering service will take your message and immediately send a text message to your attorney.

Mutual Appreciation

We work very hard fighting on behalf of our clients. The best way we can advocate hard for you is with strong attorney-client relationships predicated on mutual respect and appreciation. In our initial meeting, we will evaluate your situation, and we also want you to evaluate us to be sure you want to work with us.

We proudly take client care to the next level at Judnich Law. We are here to serve, and we don’t ever lose sight of that.

Experience and Professionalism

Judnich Law Family Law attorneys have been at this for decades here in Montana. We know the ins and outs of what is most effective in these courtrooms with these judges. Only experience provides such nuanced understanding of navigating the family law court system.

In all of our representation and particularly in family law because of the sensitive nature of family matters, we seek amicable resolutions for as long as that seems reasonable. At the same time, when your Montana family law situation calls for more fire power, we bring that as well. Attorneys from Judnich Law Office do not shy away from the courtroom and in fact, we delight in the verbal battles of open court.

We know how to present your case persuasively and effectively to achieve our clients’ goals.

Contact Judnich Law today for all of your family law needs in Montana. We’ve got you covered.

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  • Judnich Law Office
  • 501 S Russell St
  • Missoula, MT 59801
  • Mon-Fri
  • 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • Judnich Law Office
  • 1940 W. Dickerson Ave,
  • Suite 102
  • Bozeman, MT 59718
  • Mon-Fri
  • 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM
  • Judnich Law Office
  • 1940 W. Dickerson Ave,
  • Suite 102
  • Bozeman, MT 59718
  • Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
  • Judnich Law Office
  • 501 S Russell St
  • Missoula, MT 59801
  • Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
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Photos by Destination Missoula and Urs Keller