Trusted divorce attorney providing compassionate and strategic legal guidance. Asset distribution, spousal maintenance, child support.
When you need a divorce and need it done right, with all of your interests protected, count on a divorce attorney from Judnich Law.
At Judnich Law, we help with all matters involving family law including divorce, legal separation, and annulment. We also craft pre- and postnuptial agreements.
We ensure our clients’ rights are protected. Usually in a divorce, this involves financial well-being with a fair and equitable distribution of assets and appropriate spousal maintenance obligation, if applicable. If children are involved, we also fight for their well-being.
Family law is an area of law encompassing all matters related to families (except adoption). Family law attorneys work with pre- and postnuptial agreements, dissolution of marriage (“divorce”), legal separation, invalidity of marriage (“annulment”), spousal maintenance (“alimony”), paternity, child custody / parenting plans, and child support.
Divorce law encompasses many of the above categories of family law. Divorce law includes dissolution of marriage as well as matters of spousal maintenance, child custody, and child support when applicable.
A divorce lawyer will ensure your legal rights are protected and the final asset distribution is appropriate to allow you to continue your life in a similar fashion, albeit without being married to this person. If spousal maintenance (“alimony”) is at issue, we will work to establish a fair agreement for this monthly payment. If the parties have minor children, we will work to create a child custody arrangement that works best for all involved.
At Judnich Law, we work as amicably as possible in trying to resolve this for you. And, when the heat turns up, we fire through it for you and with you. Our attorneys do not shy away from the demands of open court. We bring our sharp minds and sharp tongues, and cut through the opposing party’s static to reveal the truth and get you what is rightfully yours.
When shopping for a divorce attorney, there are a few things to keep in mind.
First, can you communicate with this person? Do you trust this divorce attorney to protect your interests through and through, relentlessly, all the way through the end? Do you have confidence in this attorney’s knowledge of the law and ability to get your rights protected throughout your divorce process and in your final divorce decree? Do you feel like this attorney cares about your well-being? This level of trust and confidence in your attorney is essential.
Second, what do you believe your attorney-client communication will be like? When going through any legal proceeding and particularly a divorce, your stress levels are very high. Be sure you choose an attorney who doesn’t stress you out even further. Attorneys are notoriously difficult to get in touch with, especially in an area like Montana where “gone fishing” is a real thing. And when you do finally get through, they send you a fat bill even for a simple question like when your next court date is. You want your attorney-client communications effortless and stressless.
Third, what sort of experience does this attorney have with divorces? This area of law is filled with divorcing people trying to get away with more than their legal share. Does your divorce attorney know the laws well enough to fight for your rights and ensure you end up with all that you are legally and rightfully entitled to?
Fourth, divorces can involve multiple court appearances. Does your attorney have the experience—and associated expertise—to handle themselves well in the highly litigative environment of open court? Attorney representation does not come cheaply, and you want to be darn sure that, when that time comes, your hired arguer knows how to argue.
At Judnich Law, we pride ourselves on our client care and our expertise, both of which are off the charts.
From the get-go, we want to be sure our working relationship is a good one. As we are evaluating your situation in our initial meeting, we ask that you also evaluate us as we answer your questions. Do you trust us to take care of your interests in this matter and like us well enough to let us? Our relationship is a two-way street. For us to do our best work for you, you need to trust us and let us. That’s just the beginning. We offer all of our clients access to their very own client portal, where all pertinent case information is readily available for your review whenever you want.
Find out your next court date, review previous documents filed, upload new materials, even send us a text message, all at your convenience through this portal. Our client portal is a win-win, as it frees everyone to focus on the very important business of building a strong case and preparing to argue it.
We also offer 24/7 client communication through our live after-hours answering service. Our operator will take your call and immediately send your attorney a text message.
At Judnich Law, we take excellent care of our clients in every way. Ensuring you can reach us whenever you want is one way we do this.
Our divorce attorneys are knowledgeable, experienced—and love the courtroom. While a lot of our colleagues shy away from the live argumentation demands of open court, our attorneys welcome the lively exchange of wits. We know the law, we’ve fought for hundreds of individuals just like yourself, and we come to win.
A divorce attorney fights for you to receive all that is legally and rightfully yours in a divorce settlement. In a LOT of divorces, one or both parties becomes quite stubborn when it comes to fairly dividing assets. If you don’t have a strong legal advocate fighting for you to receive what is rightfully yours, there’s a good chance you’ll lose a lot of it. Sadly, we’ve seen many divorce decrees (final divorce paperwork) where one party walks away with basically all of the financial assets while the other party has full custody of the kids, but without enough money to adequately live and support those children.
We see this a lot when people do their own divorce paperwork, without the help of an attorney. But, we’ve also seen it even with legal representation, somehow.
You could stand to lose a LOT if you don’t have a strong legal advocate fighting for you to have what is rightfully yours.
In the end, not hiring an attorney could cost you a lot more.
Divorce attorneys bill on an hourly basis. So, if you and your future former spouse are fairly agreeable, it won’t cost you much. At the same time, the more you have to fight to have your rights protected, the more work this requires of the attorney, and the higher the resulting attorney fees.
Opposing attorneys can often cause problems in a case because they are difficult to communicate with or can just be unreasonable. An experienced divorce attorney can see through these difficulties and use the courts to force the other side to successfully resolve the matter.
Sometimes a divorce can take a very long time. However, the courts do not want this to happen and an experienced attorney can have the court step in to move a proceeding forward in the event one side is trying to delay the divorce.
Ideally, nobody loses in a divorce. Divorce is meant to be an equitable split of assets and responsibilities after a marriage is over. However, there is lots of gray area in this, and having a strong advocate for one side of a marriage can be a powerful tool in ensuring this person does not make a mistake and that they receive what they are entitled to.
Our family law attorneys at Judnich Law prioritize your well-being in your divorce settlement. We fight to make sure your rights are fully protected and that your final divorce settlement is just and equitable for your situation.
If you’re looking to talk with an attorney about your own situation, give us a call and come on in. We will happily listen and then let you know what you can expect in divorce proceedings.
We are here to help.