Violent or sex offense and required to register? Let Judnich Law help with your violent and sex offender registry removal. Experienced across Montana.
Montana State Law requires that sex offenders register for life and violent offenders for 10 years, even if other jurisdictions handled the proceedings.
If a violent offender is convicted of a felony offense during those 10 years, the registration requirement is for life. But in the absence of a felony conviction during that time, the Court must grant the petition for an order relieving them of the duty to register as a violent offender.
If the mandatory length of time has passed and you’re interested in violent or sex offender registry removal, the attorneys at Judnich Law, a criminal defense law office, can help you with this. We work in all jurisdictions across Montana.
Juvenile sexual offenders do not have to register unless 1) this is not the juvenile’s first offense or 2) registration is necessary for public safety.
Juvenile violent offenders do not have to register in Montana unless so ordered by the Court.
Registration as a sex offender means that your name and address go into the State’s sex offender registry. Thus, periodic verification of your address is required:
Registrants are mailed the verification form, then must return it in person.
Registrants must register all changes of address and other pertinent information within three days of the change.
The Judnich Law Office has been successful in removing many individuals from the violent offender registry. The requirements for this are:
If you meet that criteria, our office can quickly and easily get you removed from future registration. The process takes 60 days or less and you will never have to register in the State of Montana ever again.
Until a court relieves someone from the duty to register, an offender must register for life. Only a District Court in Montana can order an offender to be relieved of the duty to register as a sex offender in Montana.
An offender must register immediately upon release on probation or parole.
During release on probation, a registrant’s failure to keep current information on file results in law enforcement issuing a warrant for your arrest. Montana local law enforcement work diligently to locate non-compliant registrants. A sexual or violent offender who knowingly fails to register or keep registration current may be sentenced to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
To prepare to file a petition for removal from the registry, the most important thing is to wait until your mandatory registry period has passed.
During that time, do not get involved with the commission of any other crimes, sex crimes or otherwise. Convictions during your registry period means you cannot successfully complete the requirements to remove registry from the local public registry.
Like any other procedural matter in Montana District Court, removal from the sex offender registry requires that you petition Court to remove your registration requirement.
A good criminal defense lawyer can ensure the Court fully sees and understands your compliance with all conditions necessary to grant your petition for registration removal.
If you do not file a petition for removal from the registry, you will not be removed from the registry. Even after the time passes when you’re required to register, you won’t be removed from the registry without filing a petition to do so. A criminal defense attorney can help, and our office has the experience to get this done correctly, the first time.
Individuals are eligible to petition for sex offender registry removal provided a series of conditions have been met.
Can someone convicted of sex crimes get off the registry? Yes. In Montana a Court can relieve the duty of someone convicted of a sex crime to register as a sex offender in Montana as follows:
The State designates these tiers according to the following:
It is difficult for a Tier II offender to get off the registry, but a Tier II offender is eligible to petition to be relieved from registration after registering for at least 25 consecutive years.
Individuals convicted of sex crimes at Tier 3 will not be removed from the registry. They are sexually violent offenders, and law enforcement needs to know where they are. They will need to register as sex offenders for life.
There are a couple of issues that will automatically disqualify you as being ineligible from ever being eligible to successfully petition to be removed from registration requirements. Those are:
The team of attorneys at Judnich Law is experienced and savvy at getting people removed from the obligation to register with the State under the above circumstances.
Our client care is unparalleled among Montana attorneys. Our state-of-the-art client portal provides you with 24/7 access to your file. Check on your paperwork, correspondence, and next Court date. Upload materials and send us a message. This system eases attorney-client communications.
Our defense lawyers have helped many people with their violent and sex offender registry removal in Montana. When you’re ready, we’d be delighted to help you as well.
If you have questions on how much longer you have to wait until we can file this petition, give us a call. We will help you when the time is right for you!